A free Tarot reading for the day. Meditate, reflect and bring your own understanding.

This spread is a reminder that we live in mystery. The strange no-light light of the Moon. The ultimate mystery of Death. And the Hermit, the wanderer, seeker and bringer of light.
The unknown is all we know because most of what we know is delusion or, more generously, story.
We experience the world as stories. The stories of our relationships, the stories of our careers. The stories of our longings and our fears.
We make our daily realities from the stories around us and they are real enough.
Life, though, has a habit of disturbing the flow of narrative. It’s surprisingly easy to disrupt the story of our day. But then they are only stories. They can vanish in a moment, which makes every moment part of an epic adventure, a quest for meaning and truth that never ends, except when Death greets us, as it surely will.
Every day we wander in mystery, letting the Universe of which we are an essential part unfold as it should. The Moon shows us how what we perceive can be other than what is, because it bathes us in a light that is not its own.
This is what these mystery cards are telling us. We are wise not to dwell in our stories with their elusive and transient nature. If, instead, we start from a point of unknowing, then we are actually closer to whatever reality might be because it is beyond the stories in which we shelter.
It could be frightening, but it can also be a great liberation.
These cards are from the Ancient Italian Tarot deck, copyright and published by Lo Scarabeo and based on the designs of Carlo DellaRocca, 1835.